Hey peeps ive a sony discman im curious as to why it plays the cd but everynow and then the cd stops spinning but the music still plays, how is this so would the music not stop if the cd stops spinning? it stops for about 20 secs and then starts spinning again its odd and I dont unserstand as to why this happens can anyone please explain whats happening
SONY DISCMAN... the cd stops but still plays... why???amc theatre
It's called a buffer.
Read the the bloody instructions and stop wasting our time!
SONY DISCMAN... the cd stops but still plays... why???symphony opera theater
Most Discman and other models of CD player have a buffer which is there to keep the music playing if the unit gets a bump or a jolt. This feature is usually called anti-shock or something similar.
When you listen to the music, you don't listen to it live from the disc, the music actually gets played into a small area of memory called a buffer. The buffer starts off empty but it soons fills up with music information, when the buffer gets full it lets the music through to your earphones or speakers.
If the CD player receives a jolt the music in the buffer can continue playing without skipping whilst the CD sorts itself out.
The reason the Discman can play without the CD turning is that the music remaining in the buffer is playing out until the buffer memory is empty.
Some Discman have a buffer of about 20-40 seconds worth of music which would be about the same as you describe.
This web site explains further:
it's telling you to go out and buy an ipod. Even a minidisc would look better than carrying than round with you.
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