My son is an only child and is almost 5 years old. He only plays with girls at his pre-k. Does this mean he is gay?
Is my son normal? Plays only with girls....?hollywood theater
OMG NO !!!! it does not mean he is gay.... he may however feel that boys are tooo rough in play or that he is a very sensitive little boy... and he is only very young still.. kids change temperment so much.. you can't tell what a persons sexual orientation is until much older or of course if they tell you.. Don't worry about it, would you worry if your daughter only played with boys?????
Take Care relax and enjoy while they are young because when they start puberty ........................owch lol..
Is my son normal? Plays only with girls....? opera theater
probably, depends. does he associate at all with other gay children?
Hes only 5 it wont last long.I was like that and im not gay
it's ok i bet he enjoys the more intelligent unpredictable conversations from the girls than from the boys. it's a harmless preferance. BUT if he later thinks YOU think he's gay, then he will mostly likely think he is SUPPOSED to be gay. Be careful. is totally normal at that age. Many young boys even enjoy playing with toys that are typically seen as being for girls. At that age, kids just want to play. Within the next year or so you will probably start to see him lean more towards playing with boys. If not...don't worry! Just because a boy likes to play with girls does NOT make him gay. Who knows...maybe all the girls just like him and he likes the attention.
No. He probably doesn't like how rambunctious the other boys his age are. Girls tend to be much more calm and collected in play than boys. My son plays much better with girls his age or older children for that same reason.
Just cause he's playing with the girls doesn't necessarily mean he's gay. I woundn't get to stressed about it...especially if he is into more boy type activities at home, such as playing cars and trucks, trains, climbing, playing in the dirt the normal so called boy activities. If he hasn't had much association with girls and girl activties - playing dolls playing house extra..I would say he is just exploring his world..
My boys 5 and 2 play with who ever is at thier daycare that is close to them in age. Sometimes it boys and girls. My 2 year olds best bud is a little girl his age all the other boys are either way older (his brothers age) or younger - just now getting arround - crawling and walking so he associates with the little girl. and is all little boy - espcially at home
I hope this helps ease your mind.
No way maybe acting like a gurl or dressing like one does. NO No No No r u crazy
NO!!!!!!! also a little boy playing dress up or with dolls doesn;t mean he is gay either. Its so funny when little boys play with girls the parents (most cases the dads ) are worried that they are gay. When a little girl does "boy " activities she is rarely seen as being a lesbain. is that a double standard or social sterotyping?
My son plays more with the little girls around here and wants his hair put in poneytails and his nails painted. But he will also whack anyone with his light saber first chance he gets. Let him play with who he wants (as long as they are not a bad influance). Don't worry so much at this age about his sexual preferance, and even if he turned out to be gay in 12 years would you love him any less??????
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